Support, never though about this.
My bad sorry.
No support.
No support. Aren't you up for a challenge?
What support?
It doesn't work like that.
Going skydiving
We will see, won't we?
Welcome back!
Read accepted moderator applications.
No support, why? - Add more detail - Get active on forums and in game. - Get known to the community} getting active - Slightly immature with your...
Neutral, the reasons have been stated.
As cyp announced there are many bugs with the capes, including skin arrangements.
This ain't hypixel or mineplex
Delta also maybe if a accepted map is made by a Titan they should have more money to spend in the shop?
Neutral. The only minigame that is reasonably popular is bedwars. Don't get your hopes up for another one.
Enjoying my holiday!!
*causally gives everyone a cookie