No support, sorry man... ;<
Hackman your saying if a mod denies you, you buy a unban since they said no? That is kind of breaking a Promise cause getting denied is like a...
Hello once again Mineverse, as you know I'm the one and only Molanq.. haha! xD Ok so today I would like to talk about the Gamemodes WITHOUT Ranked...
Computer you made my day with your wonderful comment, thank you so much my friend. Also thanks for the comment too! :D
Mega_ <3
Thanks Arabic Bear 1 day maybe.. xD Also I know Mega_ sorry ;<
Hello Mineverse, I am Molanq as you know today I would like to say Happy Valentines to everyone. I don't have a Valentine.. R.I.P. :/ But who...
Thank you Cyp & all the staff Members that were here along the way.. I was here the first day. Congratz to you Cyp & everyone that was here with...
Fearless Gettin destroyed in PvP :/ Ehh Most Time I Destroy :) Like I Destroyed ChiChay in a 1v1 ;) Luv ya ChiChay Also I'm Afraid Of Donald...
I know but a better Anti Cheat = less hackers also thank you for correcting me I stand stated Micheal. :)
Mega_ I know, but if Mineverse gets a better Anti Cheat there will NOT be more hackers so people will join again. People are quiting because of...
I agree I did 2 Off-Topic Reports on the Anti Cheat. Good Job EliteArcher! :D :);):sweatsmile:
Hello, Mineverse Staff/Members I would like to talk about the Anti Cheat. Okay, pretend I'm a hacker (I'm not). This is me, "Finally, I'm unbanned...
Hello everybody, I know I'm PermBanned, but I still want to help Mineverse out. In the shop you should add an Unban (You get 1 ONLY) Ticket it...
Uncle NOO :( I'll miss you I'm Destroyer1121 :( You will be missed ALOT :(
Dyna the sad thing is that I played MV b4 u probs lmao
;) u likey?
Dyna.. I Don't Give 2 s If I Got PermBanned Atleast I have a Life... rip ur never getting 1 ;) also I don't give 4 s if ur the ban appeal...
Happy Late Birthday ;P Sorry I'm late for everything including school L0L
IGN: ikillyou589Jr Pvp Skill (1-10): 7 Age: 14 Rank: Mvp How active are you on oppvp? everyday Why would you like to join princess? I want to join...