support +1
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: ShotGunnerz The offender's exact ingame name: A...
What you're thinking is wrong, then. *Winner*
What if Noobcrew and Cypriot were to stop updating and fixing bugs in Mineverse? Don't tell me you'd all 'be patient', because we've been patient...
I'm an atheist *TRIGGERED*
*Agree* Exactly.
As you're a Moderator, I'm disappointed with the fact that you said 'buyed'. To be straight forward; shut up. *Agree* *Like*
Would I be allowed to make individual posts saying what rating I would've given their post if I could rate it, to increase my post count to...
They demoted @Tyler, too, which has just increased the speed of Minetime's decent into the pit of dead servers.
Excluding Minetime. In all honesty, I think they took over Minetime for the revenue. Also, neither Noobcrew or Cypriot have replied to this...
The whole point in posting here was because they're not even glancing over the Minetime forums. There's a rant section? pffft Not quite. I'd...
Sorry, patience is low. I put it here because I thought that Cypriot would check threads more than his PMs.
Probably not to you.