You wouldn't
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: HeyitsAlexa The offender's exact ingame name: Manvah A...
I don’t really see this happening. If you want to form mini communities, just add people on discord and ask if they want to join and it could grow...
That's so good to hear! I'm doing really well. Almost 3rd year uni - also job hunting because I quit my job to travel and such! 2019 has been a...
How have you been?? :D
very nice map, could use some improvement as said in-game but you're taking suggestions on board really well! +1 for green
y i n
Right. When you were banned, your attitude definitely wasn't great. You were banned for 2 months and have just come back today, applying without...
Is your 2 months of no content and then suddenly applying for mod because you were banned?
this is so pretty!!
It was really good when I was staff the first time around. I wouldn't say it was bad around the time I left but the feeling of belonging...
It’s sad to hear how disconnected the staff team is these days. I’m sorry to see you go, you were a great mod from what I saw of you.
Was talking about how much I miss Skywars the other day!! This is so exciting, thank you so much Noob!! ♥♥♥♥♥
What is your support ticket about? Support tickets are attended to based on urgency, importance, and availability of admins. You telling staff to...
let’s all create a joint app and apply as a cohort
Bring it back! But also I seriously can’t remember you being a mod, am I dumb
I don’t know you much but from what I’ve seen on the forums, you seem like you’re not putting on an act to get people to like you; you’re very...
1.8. It’s the same in any version I play in That could work, not sure how but certainly a good add-on to this suggestion
thank u friend
It’s not a joke when you continue to make women uncomfortable after you have been called out on the forums, and the women you speak to in-game...