Ok i understand what your trying to say, yet I don't do those things that you has stated. Sure everyone has at one point of another. At this point...
Say what you want, Just don't try and state lies that are hard for you to take back. That't all
Of course Ele and tonya no support and rant at me bc then dislike me because I've targeted them on infection. Its about keeping this out of your...
sorry i didnt know, is it just an application of I applied before
thanks elzaid :D
thanks andrew!
thanks so much oftennerdy!!!
thanks for joining forums and thanks for the support blessedpvp :D
tysm wii
Hello mineverse communty I am Enderkiller77 who is a 2 year veteran of Mineverse. I first was introduced to Crew's and Cyp's servers by a good...
No way Im almost p6 and i need that Sharp 20 bow. I must experience godlike powers on infec :D IDK but its cyps choice
close please @Ordi
well ill spend more time on that part of MV and give you a good review and my critic of op pvp. Thanks for your time :D
I want to see that the community thinks before i send it to @FearTheKlowns Thanks tho :D
Hello mineverse, Tired of the same old map on kitpvp2? For most kit players we only see the launch, the tower, and the water. The hills are barely...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Enderkiller77 The offender's exact ingame name: Nick21...
k i get it
So mv community, Its time change how I act on Mineverse. See me around and you'll notice. Just a quick reminder to whoever think im salty and...