Full support, I hate soup filling up my inv xD.
Yea, it really took off in early 2014.
While they are jailable in PvP they are not in the real world which helps with mcmmo, grinding, making money, ect. I'm also fairly sure axes are...
@Glaedr Your map will be accepted under the right circumstances, if maps are needed and they don't think the build team will make a map in time...
Welcome. Glad to see new players joining for once. :) I think I can see the amount of players recently rising?
Ayy we started playing at the same time! :)
Happy birthday!
Omg they were so fun, 2014 was better though.
Better late than never.
Welp, at least you're on forums I guess...
Good to see one of the older players from this community come back. :P
Sad to see you go, it honestly was great to be able to know you and I really do wish we got closer in the time we had together, you did great as a...
Cya Random, I know we never really talked much but you seemed like a great person and I always admired your personality and how great you were at...
, I'm gonna miss u so much... I remember when we used to talk every day and play Skyblock together, I miss those times. It's super sad we...
omg no! thanks so much for service sniff, you will be greatly missed and did an exceptional job at moderating!
why u no join over 4 years ago? u suck
Nah, I think it's just getting reset.
Me too, if it's popular enough to even get a game started that is...
That's kinda what I was implying but anyway...