Would be cool.
Can say I played a lot of Skyblock in 2014 starting Feb and didn't see you once.
only things i can say you should work on is post count, anyway should get sky high with any amount of activity over time, gl on mod bro
was when i was active here, 14+ if i remember correctly, anyway literally look at the way you talk if you don't know how you're being immature so...
Haven't covered all areas of application, e.g. age and some others. No support as you seem kind of inexperienced and immature compared to most of...
Can see you worked hard on this, hardly ever gonna say no to someone who looks pretty determined, also sick support ratio so yeah.
Stand up for urself bro, mods need to fight to do their job right.
Og gang, nothing wrong with being toxic. Would be sick to have u as mod even tho I don't play anymore.
what is your opinion on jewish people?
They added a new anticheat last year, was better for the first 2 months then some kit2 kid found 2 clients that still worked and before we know it...
Tf we need a newsletter for? We have around 10 active players and none will care about reading stuff about a dead server.