Savage. o im skilled enough m8 1v1 irl no guns k *plays tag layp music*
r8 abuse m8 banned
And here we can find the Savage in his national habitat, roasting the Sloth for dinner. [IMG]
peanut butter and jam? banned for product endorsement lelelelel
n0 body HAH! GOT 'EM!
i agree
the tl;dr is strong in this thread
o ye i der m8.
fite me all of yu
change 1t. na0.
chnge yur ignden
What will happen to Red? What will her friends do about it? Why was this post rated friendly? Find out on the next episode of Dragonball Z!
that is not a tepig
advertising banned jk gr8 vid m8 i r8 8/8.
post farming banned
Support, but I think the 4th time should be a perm lobby ban, since most people wouldn't wait a whole year after getting banned to hack again....
Support, but only if people are shooting at spawn from afar. That's even more annoying imo, when they spawn kill but you can't even reach them. If...