thank me too for being mlg and taking a hiatus
Use determination. detemmienation is better tho
Surprise! I'm back.
looks purty, support.
ikno m8, just tell them to 1v1 you irl no guns, they'll get rekt. or you can do it the saitama way 100 push ups 100 sit ups 100 swats 10km running...
Yeah, that's true, MV isn't pay-to-win. Let me rephrase it. MV has donor ranks that give you unfair advantages over other players, which gives...
Purty, support.
10k power #powertothenolifes
spent 28 seconds at spawn, bad spelling, n0 support. Jk, it's just too zombie biased imo. oh btw you rating abused me
get poked.
Idk you, but you have a cute dp, so don't quit pls. <3 Just ignore them lol, people have no reason to take death threats from online strangers to...
i find this informativ thanks mate i rate eight over eight
nab you didn't tell me you were bullied at school. same thing applies to you^^^^ #BullyingIsForPlebs2k16
here's a piece of advice m8, if you get bullied just tell them this. [spoiler]
Resupport. btw, I heard you got 1k repair. 1.5k get rekt #powertothenolifes
no support your skin is disturbing [spoiler]
I want nobody, nobody, not you!
1v1 me m8
Ikr There are only 3 minecraft servers in the world which don't rely on donations. One of them just so happens to be Mineplex, since it's a...