Exactly! No support!
Thanks! I try to be. :) Plus I don't really need all this money. I would just buy diamonds from the admin shop and sell them half price at my shop...
Define obsessed...
8.9 months fetus How old were you when you first played a video game? *bonus: which video game was your first?
I don't remember... it was SO long ago for me. (probably 4 though...) How old were you when you last drew a picture?
SUPPORT! I miss having colored signs! They are much prettier to view and can make organizing better as you can color code the item chests.
25 - That question has been asked like 5 times now... How old were you when you first made breakfast in bed for a parent/guardian?
Could be all of the above? lol
28 How old were you when you first cooked your own meal? (Microwaved food does not count!)
28 How old were you when you you last went fishing IRL?
I guess no one knows how to take screenshots OR feel that their house/base looks like crap. :/ Oh well, more for us! If I win, I will split my...
Few months old. Back when it was rotary. lol How old were you when you last read to a child too young to read?
Did you try advertising the contest on survival?
Uh... Not that old yet! How old were you when you first read a chapter book by yourself for fun, not for school?
Knew or played? I'm going on played. 25 How old were you when you first had mac n cheese?
Because I am a major Whovian and liked that whole Bad Wolf storyline. :D
Ok I'll restart it... How old were you when you last hugged your teddy bear? Since there was not a previous question, my answer is 30. LAst night...
I don't listen to that sort of band then. lol
Yea it seems they are more strict than the rules imply...