Wb :)
1. He has a sense of humor, but he can be mature when the time is right. Nothing is wrong with joking around a lot. 2. You can apply even tho ur...
ya that's right u did
ya u better
I am v good:)) you?
thx frend
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to give a no support.
ur v cool and a good friend even tho we only known each other for like a couple weeks ; )))) Ur kinda cool I guess sometimes annoying
Nothing beats roses and chocolate ; )
@Teeeb But no homo <3
Ananananananananananannnnanananananananan bananananannnanananannnnanaananan My little dweeb ily wb <33333
Thx friends @leafu :o
two years
Pretty nice, we don't talk much tho
Comment below who your valentine is gonna be for Valentine's Day this year : )) ❤️:hearteyes:❤️:hearteyes:❤️:hearteyes:❤️:hearteyes:❤️:hearteyes:❤️
Nice new name!