Hello, I believe the command to delete warps is /warp remove <Name>. I do not play survival or any server with warps that I am aware of, but you...
Thanks for your rating towards my application, by any chance, is there a way I can change that neutral to a support? Thanks for your support! I...
I support this. I would appriciate a reset. I did see a thread or two builds that Feurin, tin15cro and Van made, maybe those could be considered...
I oppose this suggestion. I do not think this would benefit the server much. As there is already three OP servers [OP-PvP, OP-Factions,...
I grant my Support. I enjoyed this map when I viewed it on creative. Thanks, Turtalized.
Hello!, there is also a prison command going around, [/tell ** <message] which does the same thing but only to the players who are on prison at...
Hello!, I agree with the point that you're trying to make. I dislike it when you're in PvP combat, you're having a good fight and then the...
Hello everyone, I would like to take this time to 'bump' my application. Thanks, Turtalized.
Sorry, No Support. Thanks, Turtalized.
Thanks everyone for your feedback and support(s). Thanks, Turtalized.
That is an incorrect statement sir, Fruit1k has reached Titan, same with thorraks I believe. I grant my support. Thanks, Turtalized.
⚎⚍ Turtalized's Moderator Application ⚍⚎ »Preface: Hello everyone, I am Turtalized. My first name is Marcus and I am 15 years old. I live in...
I, personally don't think it's needed because alot of our players don't usually play mini-games, but as I said 'alot,' some play mini-games and as...
A prison warp free reset in 1.9 would be nice. :)
Hello, Sorry, I do not support. This would be extremely overpowered, especially for people with donor ranks as 3/4 of them have diamond gear with...
Thanks for your Support. It means alot to us. Thanks, Turtalized.
Your idea was considered. Lighting has been increased barely. But it is good enough so that you can see when/if you play this map. We hope it is...
We appriciate your feedback, but I disagree that we need more lighting as it is a 'cave.' Realistically, caves aren't lit up.
Hi, I believe Jungle could be recreated and be made into something better than just 10 trees and a waterfall, but unlike Jungle, Nuketown is...