I support you, I believe you're a nice guy. Thanks, Turtalized.
Thank you very much.
I believe this counts as advertising in a way as it has IP's in the video and that it's not only just from Mineverse.
Preface: Hello everyone! Turtalized here. I have created a map with a few friends of mine and it is called "Winter" [V2] This map consists of alot...
Thank you Feurin.
Or just get a friend of yours with a spare MC account to do it for you, either way actually works.
Thank you for your support. Much appreciated.
Why are you rating everything of mine dislike?
Thank you very much for your support. I appriciate it. Thanks for your input, I am working on the reasons listed above. Yes I believe they are...
Do you have a problem with me?
I understand that it's annoying, in my point of view, it's in the heart of parkour aswell, if you feel me.
I wish you the best of luck getting your God rank back, I know you had it. Thanks, Turtalized.
I am sorry, but No Support. the reason that is preventing my support is that it's a square and uses practically the exact same blocks as the...
Block glitching's illegal now? Heh, I've never known that, I've known that 'leaf glitching' is a 'kick' (:L) but I understand why leaf glitching...
Did you copy what I wrote on another thread? ):
I believe you have to be in the actual game (map) when you can use it, but yet again, kit skyknight has been bugged for a while. I recommend you...
Hello, try tagging another moderator and get him/her to tag Cypriot, then you would have to wait patiently I see. Thanks, Turtalized.
Hey, there are two sides to this, one, being if you have changed your name, and the other, if you haven't. Name Change: If you have changed your...