Righttt I voted 'No support'? Why exactly is that stirring the pot? Must've hit your soft spot too sweetie
@bare slideee
Toxic? This is the second time you've tried talking to me about it yikes. Very toxic. Did I hit a soft spot?
wait..Minecraft was fun?
Kaner >>
Uh no. Mineverse had people at the time. It just died and people stopped playing it therefore they got rid of it lol
nobody played it. it died. must've been misinformed
her voice sounds like something being made in a nutri bullet
Lmao people fr think Ariana Grande is better than her? Yikes LOL pretty sad
I think Halseys stripped performance yesterday was the second coming of Jesus Christ
girls be assuming
Yeah agreed. But she's also fully capable of being extremely toxic more than most the time. Lol
LMAOO \ (•◡•) /
not cool enough
https://imgur.com/a/TEVDFtZ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
haters will say this is fake :cool:
lmao Bears would have killed
I'm goin for the Pats because Brady is the GOAT (Coming from a Bears fan) and the Rams overrated. Plus, I got about $267 on hopeful winnings so...
Lmfao who is reading this?
wtf no mobile fortnite!??!