what game pls
ov wut ou spek
Doughnut tek what the haters speak of it teh hart it'dll just make thingz badder
I think you're super cute, we should totally hang out and play with eachother, hehehehehe ;)
follow me before you quit pls
Could've given a more mature reply that shows actual interest, but whatever.
You state that you've changed, yet you most likely haven't changed at all. You just act differently around certain crowds of people. That's what...
We need non-plastic £5 notes back!
Well, I use increased knockback hacks anyway, but nobody has ever called me out when I hit them 10 blocks.
Welcome back, Jubba.
Well, have you noticed any changes with the server. One blatantly obvious one was the removal of kits from servers. Mojang also attempted to shut...
You are only a year late to the party.
Living that Cali life
I fancy Gabby I don't fancy Gabby Gabby is cute
You were staff but you don't know what an appeal is or how to resolve your issue correctly? Top mod, bro!
No, I mean being able to purchase premium for a friend, etc. I understand the chargeback part of it, but It'd be good if, for instance, you done...
Better than ever? Damn. Been doing good, finally left school and working. Doing well :)