Informative thread is imformative. Sure, appreciation towards those whom give up their time to help isn't a bad thing, but sucking on their booty...
go home
Most "free" methods are patched now. You're about 7-8 years too late.
reported for threatening me :(
What is your in-game name, I want to name and shame the mod who banned you.
Yeah, I think Matt should use some of his time to create a tutorial on the server, rather than simple posting a single message which links you...
I don't hate hackers, nor do I hack. I really do cringe at the fact you stated people cannot turn on their software quick enough. It doesn't take...
I only respec genders, wamen not a gender only male
Pile has a nice chest thing... ;) ;) ;)
I'm pretty sure he's protesting about something, but I can't remember what.
You left for 2 years. Maybe everyone just left for 2 years and will eventually return at random points throughout the years?
You are obviously fairly new then. It was more than twice as popular as you stated. I think single-handedly you ruined this server.
Was meant as a joke. Similar to this thread, which too, is a joke.
Text too small, struggled to read.
Because sunflowers are ruining Mineverse and because of this, it'll come to its inevitable demise.
Threads like these make me laugh. The replies make me laugh more at the amount of "salty" kids there are. Everyone telling the person who wants...
Yeah, I hate that the moderators whom have precisely zero control over this are getting the blame. You are unwanted, please leave.
You obviously don't meme, sorry.
Half-Life 3
I'll have it so I can ban evade.