It's fast, too
I be good thanks. Glad you're well!
how are you my frien
A lot of things need to change in order to "revive" this server. Sure, you post a good list and as we all know, major advertisement would play a...
Just because you don't think you meet the requirements. Support only if there is a requirement.
More doesn't always mean better.
Never went this year, but for sure taking the time to go next year. Don't even care who's playing.
Thank you! You, too, are also great! ;)
Max I'm going to get perm banned later on, it's aight
Memes are dreams and dreams are memes
Get banned
Damn, Chloe. Long time no see my dude.
Well, I'm glad you cleared things up, but as you know with my time on the staff team I was always one who was trying to sort issues with those of...
That's weird, because I'm a female :(
Eks to the dee hell to the no
Greg you are super cool and I love you and I want your babies please be mine
Been missing you for over a month :(