Doritos? 8)
Does anyone here play Geometry Dash? :D
k den yey ...
hal0 ma nam is bikcr770 i am m0de on 999999 severs i am veriey gude at moding cuz3 i onlY g0t banede for "h4x1ng" i am not hecker i jut hav enof...
There were only 4 parkour courses, and infection used to have 60-80+ players.
Welcome to Mineverse, Express555 :D
K den? Most ETs are worth 35B each btw. :D
Support. You can also do /warp [Number] and then do /warp [Number] [random text] Each time and it won't read it as "spam" Example: /warp ix /warp...
I agree with Long_Island_Pat being kind of annoying; he keeps on /tpahere ing random people, claiming he has a "Rich raid"...
I have kind of fixed some 1 way spots in the last update? But if you still think they are too op then tell AgentDevon
Needs to improve on the landscape and the detail :d but support anyways lel The plot is /p h:2 SuperDevon I edited it a bit based on your...
How old where you when you first realized when your birthday was? 3. How old were you when you first played on Mineverse?