Archerhead keep trying to get unban
Zulfqar r u on mv?
Zulfqar can u upgrade now?
Y r we the last people u upgrading?
Bad deal God is 100$
Zulfqar can u upgrade now I'm on infection
R u default caue thats a really bad deal
Bad deal
Ign:Hulk3001 I would like a rank upgrade from supreme to God I'll give on kitpvp 4000 $ 21 gold ingots and on op factions I'll give 1 set of p15 1...
Clash of clans is so awesome
This isn't a good deal
Archerhead plz don't quit mv
U left infection zulfqar! I'm coming back in 30mins to 1 hour
I can be ur hulk
He's prabaly scamming
I'll give u 100bil op prison for 500 kitpvp $
Is the gapples God Apples?
Dabaws can u get me supreme to God for 4k kitpvp and 100k on op factions?