Damn! I think we f***** over Daddy parade real good ;) Support :>
No support. This could get boring really quick.
You need/be more... Info Colours Active both in-game and forums.
I'm just curious to what people are listening to now days and to see if I'm 'with it' in today's culture. What types/songs do you listen to?
"And finally, why is Skillbill so awesome? I mean just look at yourself" I'm not sure if that's a compliment or insult. (Jk) :p Should be made soon.
SHOTS FIRED! Um... yeah back on subject. I don't really prison umm... support? I Dunno lol I just wanna be in the convo
That's because you just rate abuse because you just don't simply like the person for not supporting. It's immature like you have done to other...
I just thought the community would like to see how you react to non-supporter's, it's pathetic. [IMG] I really hope you don't get moderator. :)
Ign: Skillbill63 Game mode banned on: Kitpvp Link to accepted appeal:...
Daaammn he got shrekt
Thank you. I get the idea now on how to resolve this. Requesting lock please.
@Daniel9757 [IMG] Tell me if the file fits onto your banner because I had some trouble uploading the file.
^^ xxxvan just gave you some really helpful constructive tips on how you could improve, which I completely agree on, that you just ignored. This...
I'm having a problem uploading files on my thread for banner designs and etc, and it keeps coming up with this error [IMG] Can anyone help me please?
I'm just suggesting that if you pay a very large amount of money for a rank, the least you should have is access to join full servers. Yeah we can...
I thought you might like it :>
I've always assumed that donators can always join full servers until now... [IMG]