Nublet <3
I'm back ;>
I came here because I miss seeing 'Moderator' under your name <3
Hai <3 I feel honoured for being tagged :O
Happy Birthday :3
When are you coming back? I know your temp-ban expires in a few days... I miss you ;-; <3
Congratulations on 5k positives and 700 messages, Cyp! ^-^
Ew you're a MV mud now? :t Grats <3
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
Sugar! Hi! ^-^
Apparently an "Active Member" Uhm hardly.
I made a poem. Feast your eyes on this beauty:
Just my skyblock nubs I guess :> @krissy_punk <3 @leadermelody @Heyitstalia2004 @PopIs_MyLife @Zambiana c;
@krissy_punk <3
Hey there ^-^ Yeah, painting cats is bad :c Heeey ^-^
Oh cool :> I joined someones cult for winnie the pooh though... c; huhu
Equal amount of positives to my posts! :D cool beansss