Infinite support. I'm not a Mineverser, or active on this server (nor will I even be, most likely) however I know Pile and how capable she is of...
Support, I'm sure this will help greatly. And even I can set up a group on AdminCP (me being someone who only learnt how to do XenForo stuff today...
Grats bb <3
As proof of your rank, try looking through your email that you use for your credit card/paypal account for a transaction ID. If someone else...
hihi <3
.Net, quite significantly. The average population of .org is 20-30 people, whilst .net is usually 200-400 people.
Thanks ;3 I never replied to you! D: Sorry~ Hi hi~ The thing you're mistaking for filth is talent and amazingness :t: Hihihihi~
Nice to meet you too! ^-^ Thanks for the warm welcome and I hope to see you around also :3
Hi there :3
Hehe, thank you for the warm welcome ^-^ I'm sure we can be friends, but I'll warn you, I check in here like 3 times every month ;3 You've been...
Leaving those Mineversers in the dust? ;D
Chur nice c:
Welp, it's the 20th, so have a good time Cyp, and stay safe :3
Oh my, grats c; Hopefully Mineverse can be even vaguely close to skyblock standards now :t
Did you have a good holiday? ^-^
Zambiana. Move around the letters. A Main Abz.
Someone unfollowed you, so I'm your 600th follower c; woop
Heyo Gizz c:
ily c: