In light of the possibilities that "Big changes [are] coming soon", I'd like to suggest the addition of a new shop Extra. Big changes coming...
Love it! Got my titan kit on Prison! :) Awesome idea @CypriotMerks!! Thanks so much!! Now... how about /fix and /fix all ? ;) Please? :)
Not me. :)
oh wow... :( Hope you're feeling much better soon!
I mean, at least you didn't go for the obvious pun, although it would have been very punny... "this years computer course is bugging me." ;)
tl;dr :)
Well, um, that's what I meant. A new thread; not a new message. Thanks for the correction. :)
Actually there have been a few months that have been skipped in the past.... (Cyp... please ignore that... don't skip August ;) )
Wouldn't you be able to start a new one yourself then? If it was fun, popular, and simple to setup, go for it right? If you start a brand new...
Well, if @CypriotMerks is on holidays then I'm sure he'll take care of it when he returns. :) Here is the final listing... just in case it's...
Oh no... and to think Isaac Asimov was only concerned with robots! I think the problem is far more reaching than expected. :( Ahh... but at...
Yeah cute... but oh so wrong too. lol...
Tonight, I got home late and when I went to eat dinner, I got the shock of my life. I was betrayed and I caught her red-handed cheating on me. I...
Ahh... so this is the UK version. ;) lol... Then why # 9 & 14's answer? ;) lol... Sounds like a little fear in there somewhere? lol... I can...
Wow! I loved your description of the "job of a moderator" on deration's app! Very well said and so very true in a very warm and fuzzy way. :)
Its actually French for "very good". The group is not French though, unless you consider St. Louis to be part of France. ;) Actually it may...
Thanks Wii!! :)
[IMG] @WiiTarded : Seriously, a dislike just because my profession is not in the mortuary arts? If you mean anything else, then you had best...
I'm not a taxidermist... sorry. :(
.... Yeah, I totally see the 100 q's this will bring... :) Taxidermy? You're too young to make those kind of plans. :( lol...