Some ISPs may resolve your connection to random IPs (your public IP). I'm not that lucky... I've been locked in to the same one for years. :)...
Hey guys, (ShareScreens ( @ShareScreens ), CaptinPriest, Skrimish ( @active_ ), and edwarrd) so you're back to bumping again... I guess you are...
Nope... that's not the proof. I agree 100% you cannot take someone's word since many will say it just to get a reaction. ;) Oh hey, it's kind of...
You may be surprised actually; getting evidence is rather easy. I have the proof that the individuals that I have named are doing this. I...
Hey guys, (ShareScreens ( @ShareScreens ), CaptinPriest, Skrimish ( @active_ ), and edwarrd) I just wanted to thank you four for not bumping...
Hey ShareScreens ( @ShareScreens ), CaptinPriest, Skrimish ( @active_ ), and edwarrd thanks for backing off on bumping everyone on Friday. I...
Well, yeah, there are 3 active individuals that bumping everyone right now. It looks like CaptainPriest has quit and has not been back online....
Did you try to vote in October only to have someone bump you off the list and prevent you from voting one or more days? Have you been bumped...
Awesome! :)
I offer my sincere condolences for your tragic loss. I'm so sorry.
[IMG] Here are a few others where they are bypassing the chat filter... [IMG] [IMG]
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: RoyalBlueRanger The offender's exact ingame name:...
Show me a stabbing where a single person killed 59 people and wounded 527 people with a knife. Or show me where someone in a car killed 59 people...
So true, when pertaining to the 531 mass shootings in the last 477 days, no degree of gun control will undo the harm or bring anyone back to life...
Technically some people are able to legally buy full-auto weapons. They just must pass the required background checks and answer a ton of...
Who said we were fighting? We are discussing. Big difference. Wait... who said I was 12?
Wii, the thing is that, yes, a black market exists, and will always exist. But as the laws close the loop holes, it will be more difficult to...
Happy Birthday a few hours early! Its on days like that, that inspire movies. :) Good luck...
I just bought someone god rank... :) so this offer is no longer available. If anyone is interested in smaller donor rank trades, please PM me...
Actually just click on the Forums tab and then scroll down. On the right hand side of the page will be section for Discord. Click on the Join...