The question was perfectly valid. Besides, when is a rant ever pointless? :)
Yeah... the vote day actually begins at 0 GMT. So the actual time varies per time zone and is effected by day light saving too.
Congrats everyone! :)
No it wasn't yesterday either... But yeah, I should have said "yesterday" and not "today". :) I think it was back when he had 17 votes in (for...
You didn't get bumped today... or are you talking about a few days ago when almost everyone got bumped? So far there has been two major days of...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: RoyalBlueRanger The offender's exact ingame name:...
I'm just curious... if you had an inventory full of sugar cane, could you craft it all in to paper with one click then? That could be rather...
Extender, I'm so sorry to hear you got bumped so many times.... I was bumped, or could not vote, more than 200 times in October. :( I said I...
Shhhhh... Ordi! I didn't want "them" to know... ;) now I'll never get any more voter rewards. :( lol... Like I care anymore. Hey @iFiction!...
Congrats @Ordi & Isle! :)
Extender... you have brought up some very valid points. I will gladly answer your questions for sure. I will even use skrimish's own words to...
Hey guys, (ShareScreens ( @ShareScreens ), CaptinPriest, Skrimish ( @active_ ), and edwarrd) I just wanted to point out that sometimes “real”...
So sad to hear you go... ;( thanks so much for all that you done. You were totally awesome!
That may work... but I like my screen print below better (includes my accounts too)... ;) lol Also I added a link "Learn more about Passcodes"...
Yes overall I would agree that there needs to be some kind of a security feature in place to prevent your account from being taken over. The...
More bumping today... thanks... but what's the point? No way I/we can catch up now, but yet the bumps continue?
lol... I guess we both don't know each other pretty darn well then. :) I should know by now "not" to believe what you say... lol.. [IMG] [IMG]...
lol... Yeah... just as I thought. And you have no clue. Wait... a 12 year old? I'm conflicted; should I be insulted or flattered? TBH she's...
Oh wow! Does this mean you will finally answer my questions!? :) (hmm... doubt it... buy maybe... not... ) lol...
Oh wow... that would totally be so nice have happen. :)