It’s part of the game going into pvp and loosing your items, at some point you will loose them. Also it’s not the servers fault
Stop stop pls
It was shut down as part of a server restructure and streamline, servers like archer pvp, bedwars, kit2 were also removed.
Ima bump but here’s me being extra in Claire’s [IMG] Ew that pic makes me look so gross but there ya go
Also that Tesco at *censored*sucks
Not even joking I do lmao even tho I live where I do, tbh in my defence my dad uses coupons they send him so it’s cheaper than Tesco
I think the non cross is more a British thing maybe because I don’t see many people use it either
I shop at waitrose pft poor boi
Tesco finest cookies are the best tho
Cheapskate Flexxx Also basicccc lmao
Conspiracy you’re both the same person
Real name: Elliot Nickname: can’t really shorten Elliot, but here it’s chipe or chip Favorite color: blue or red Gender: Male Race: White British...
<3333 thank you porky oink
You shouldn’t assume, just because it’s hidden and the fact i was demoted that that automatically assumes I abused, please don’t throw accusations...
No I wasn’t lol, please do not spread accusations that are not true
welcome ! :)