Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: showgirl The offender's exact ingame name: IRektUrFace...
Do chargebacks result in an ip ban on buycraft or just a ban for the username?
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: showgirl The offender's exact ingame name:...
I'm glitched in a block on oppvp. When I connect I instantly DC. Bought a tp to spawn but it didn't work. Help would be appreciated.
This is a three-part suggestion. Alright, on to the first, don't include put Unbans on sale when everything else is. Unbans aren't things that...
The Template In-game name: Lot's, cba naming them all Link to your YouTube channel: About...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: showgirl The offender's exact ingame name: PiNqUeR A...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: HowDoIPvP The offender's exact ingame name:...
Hold back on the reset. The main reasons for the past few resets on the server was because plugins weren't fully updated and there was a load of...
I know the hit detection has been sketchy for the past year or so, but now it's just ridiculous. I was pvping on /op and couldn't land a hit. We...
I think you need to change your AdSence settings. I don't think this is appropriate for a Minecraft forums. [ATTACH]
So my last thread was closed because it is "Discrimination". According to English law, discrimination is treating someone unfairly due to these...
Add a rule that allows mods to ban people if they're overly illiterate.
When you click on a staff members name and the short bio thing appears it shows their trophy ranking. I'm suggesting that we change this to their...
This suggestion is to rearrange the location of "Moderating" from the bottom to below "Senior Moderator". This is just to group up the moderators...
Remove "Staff Members" on the "Notable Members" page. We already have a main page for the staff team and it's already grouped the different staff...
So my alerts aren't working properly. I've had the problem for a while now. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me? Sometimes they...
Some servers can get really laggy and they need more than the daily restart. This suggestion is to allow Sr Mods the ability to restart a server...
Sorry for the click bait. I need to ask people to do a questionnaire for my college course and wondered if you'd help me out. Any help will be...
Say something bad about where you're from. For example, England, the only place spitting the bars "Yo, yes, light the bifta I'm gonna rape your...