Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: spicyabbie The offender's exact ingame name:...
-=+=- spicyabbies mod application -=+=- Your in-game name: spicyabbie Previously abbiegirllittle _abbiegrace_ What timezone are you in? Central...
I realized I never posted a introduction! Hi my name is Abbie and I've been playing mine verse since 2014! Im an actress and I also dance for fun...
When ever I play any pvp on this server when I die everyone glitches and becomes invisible. maybe you should make pvp compatible with 1.12? ( Idk...
I bought titan in like 2015 I think and it was the BEST thing ever! The perks were awesome and now titan is use less! Here are some commands I...
Just a question for you guys should I apply for mod? I'm trying to be more active on forums! and once I do I might apply for mod??? Should I...
Reset the end PLEASE! Everyone wants it thanks! Well most people want it
Please reset the end. People would play more if you reset the end. Thanks!
I rarely ever see mods online and if they are they never interact with us. I fell like mods should enjoy the server and playing the game. Yes life...
Yay! Eagles won! Anyone else really happy! Im not a eagles fan but I don't like the patriots so I cheered for the eagles.
Hi! So I need help. I post a lot and comment a lot on other peoples posts/ reply to other people who comment on my posts but my message count...
Mineverse needs more staff! The people who are staff are never on! just yesterday I was getting griefed and I did /staff and not a single staff...
The end on survival is really in need of a reset all the end city have been found and been raided and destroyed Its very hard to get the blocks!...
Your in-game name: Abbiegirllittle What timezone are you in? Central What country do you live in? U.S.A What languages do you speak? English and a...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Abbiegirllittle The offender's exact ingame name: Ieco...
Your in-game name: Abbiegirllittle What timezone are you in? Central timezone What country do you live in? The United States of America What...
Hi! My username is abbiegirllittle and I have been playing on mineverse for 3 1/2 years now! I am titan rank and this is really the only server I...