Already been fixed. Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will be implementing this suggestion. Should you have any...
Will add it later
This will be obtainable in a coming update.
Stacking mobs is how we reduce lag and are able to leave the mobs with their AI. The two options are: 1) Stacked mobs 2) unstacked mobs but those...
Thank you for everything you've done Abbie stay safe in your banana car and Im looking forward to your next hypixel build battle video, cupcake.
Mineverse Updates - June 9th, 2020. More Quest types (McMMO and Boss compatibility added). More Quest bugs fixed. Added a monthly quest total as...
big nerd but ily
Do me plz
Mineverse Updates - June 1st, 2020. Hi guys, Just a quick update on all of the changes made to Survival 1.15.2 since its release last Tuesday....
Honestly I'm not too sure but it shouldn't be left as long as last time.
Hello Guys and welcome to the new Survival. [MEDIA] Thank you @i_am_youtuber for this. This reset has been a long time and I hope it's worth...
It's known about but is way beyond repair sadly
Congratulations and welcome back to the team!
No villager trading /villagers
Yikes, this was a bit of a shock :/