Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will be implementing this suggestion. Should you have any more suggestions or...
Survival let's lets you have bases, that's where you should keep your stuff. Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we...
Due to the risk of duping large amounts of money this is a no. Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will not be...
No, hardly any plugins support 1.16 yet
Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will not be implementing this suggestion. Should you have any more suggestions...
Sorry but I'm gunna have to deny this one :/ Part of the reason is because if anyone paid kinsey_ki instead of kinsey_kid then that money is...
Jesus, that's awesome
You cant place lava/flint&steel within like 2 blocks of another player
Hope you're happy with the reset. Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will be implementing this suggestion. Should...
Lava buckets are no longer placeable close to other players
Sorry it took so long but hopefully you're enjoying it now. Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will be...
Obtainable from quest shop now, more methods of obtaining blocks will be added in the future Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have...
I understand your frustration, titans donated alot of money for their ranks so deserve some awesome perks and in time I do plan to add some more...
No longer an issue, bal cap is something like 1 billion Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will be implementing...
Already been added. If there are any other mobs you want unstacked let me know and I'll consider it. Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We...