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Who's much?
School logo
I get Friday, Saturday and Sunday off, yes. But we have to stay an extra hour each day. :/
Cause I can
@Elliot my school district started today for some reason. It's awesome though cause we get Friday, saturday and Sunday off.
I got off at a bus stop a mile away from my actual bus stop by accident in 100 degree weather. No biggie though That time of year again :/
Don't know whether to be annoyed or honored
Haven't tried parrot yet :/ I'm on Solus right now
Thanks :D
Try looking at mine from when I was barely 9
10 months. :)
I don't think we have unox, but autocorrects trying to change it to unix lol
I was watching a video about Linux distros and each time the guy said Linux I reacted to it like its my name >.>
Hey, could you PM me please?
EULA stands for End User License Agreement. It's the long thing that nobody ever reads when doing stuff like installing software or signing up for...
When your phone wakes you up at 3am to tell you theres a flash flood warning 200 miles away from you .-.
I woke up at 12:30pm today.