When people say "Linux" I still react as if it's my name, so this is going to make it worse. This was a horrible idea.
I got a new orange tabby cat named Linux
Sorry for the late reply. I've been good, how have you been?
OXXO is 100x better than 7/11
Happy Holidays :)
My iPhone 3Gs gave out on me
IMO it seems that Minecraft is dying on PC. Other servers are losing players, and are increasing their amount of hackers. I might come back to...
Got a free TV. The person said the HDMI was "broken", but it's just the HDCP and it probably just needs a new board, which is about $10.
How are you? :OOOO
Just so you know online ads are based on what you've previously searched.
Hola :O
Parkour used to be like the most played server on MV. :/
They reset? O_o
When did Parkour go away? :(
My specs: RAM: 8GB HDD: 1TB Seagate Hard Drive GPU: On-board Intel graphics. CPU: Intel Core i5 @ 3.00 GHz OS: Windows 10 that I paid for, but the...