Zero does not hack ive seen him in gameplay and he does not and i made a vid of him and he no hack so Stop being a NUB
Same here
I like the humor :P
I waould still like 1.8 things because you could do a lot of things
Ive decided im not leaveing
He cant
I know
I might be
Hey its squidy424 here and im sad to say i might leave Mineverse and even minecraft i have not decided yet but Im chooseing soon :(
And people will make more reports
Yes i agree you can you hit him 2 fisrt wont come down second he was slain i agree :D
No hacks because you jumped off and he hit you so that not ture
I dont know really It might just me that Hes good pvper or hacker im thinking no hacks because he never struck him And he got hiy at the start and...
No support add more to spawn its just not my taste maybe over people like but i dont. Good luck ;D
Yes we should good idea but maybe not yet But nice idea :D
Support all the way
Copped meh
That has happend to me Ask a mod to sort out or just dont play creative :P