Bump <3 :)
Keep!!!!!!! :)
Keep! :)
Idk what you are talking about
Does anyone want me to do a tmi?
Happy Birthay!!!
Baby - I'm really glad we are friends, I enjoyed when we played skywars, and just simply talked, we should play more sometime, and maybe even on...
If this is implemented, an every gameode i go on, ill warn everyone yo do /realname if they think the person is impersonating a mod or another...
But do /realname [nickname], also like every other /nick, it will have a ~ before the nickname
Me to cool for im**
Syndicade you're to cool for me
That means they like you
I can get in, try using the ip I use: Mineverse.com Or use skywars.com and do /hub. ^ Do this to if none of the other suggestions work
Hello I got nothing to say to you
Everytime I have an alert, I always hope it's either @Pile or @Random following me. But I get email notifications. So I probably should start...