We have the same texture pack! ;D
I love lexi<3 i'm 15 I've dyed my hair 6 times.
Well duh<3 She*
I'm not going to enter, But I will say that this is really nice and friendly of you and people appreciate it.
Hai there, enjoy your stay :> we should play on skyblock sometime.
omg omg, *bows down* your highness :> Welcome back<3333333
@Blocky add me?
No support, You need way more detail. You bretrayed me and then said it was fuse? I would never trust you again, Sorry but no support.
Yeah so do I, he's so cool.
Sorry for posting here once again. Moderators won't accept that without proof, I'll check now and edit it in if there is proof they did rate...
Um sorry for posting here, But zelda you need to show proof of when they did it because this might not be rate abuse if it isn't in the 24 hours...
My friend got cancer, **DO NOT CUSS ON FORUMS**.
Sorry I accidentally rate spammed you, I unrated the third post.
I think maybe god to titan as well, See you're only putting sponsor there because you're a sponsor, But I undersand why, You made a suggestion...
So you think being old automatically means you have good grammar? k.
That's completely false, My sister is 15, She dosen't use grammar/punctuation at all, Not at School, Home, Work or any where, Just because people...
I know, Still nothing to judge on.