Don't top me <3 <3 <3
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: TheSavageSnake The offender's exact ingame name:...
There goes all the reports, you guys are gonna have nothing to do xD
Good picks for the team, glad you got Mvdi, Surge and Ordi :)
90% if reports section, gone in a flash because you're not making them anymore. The other 10% will be finished off by you doing them :)
Congrats buddy, I knew you could do it :)
Im so proud of you :) Congrats my friend.
Congrats my friend :)
Congrats bud :)
Congrats Vaxix :)
Congrats Tin :)
Congrats Surge, I knew you could do it ;)
Congrats my friend :) I knew you could do it.
Congrats :)
Hi MineTime buddy!
<3 muahhaha @MaxNinja10