Ye no.
I take this is no longer an issue if it was you would have commented on it by now, I hope this is resolved and if it isn't mel feel free to create...
as you're banned I have no idea if this is resolved so I'm just going to close this.
have you changed your name anytime recently? P.S is this somehow resolved?
well to clarify on this I take you're talking about the ones at spawn as shown in your screenshot in the background my comments on this are that...
0 yes please.
I think the shop is op for donors but hopefully in the future we'll see a skywars economy develop with new features such as gaining money when you...
Already banned.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Resolved? Or do you have actual evidence, 24 hours to provide.
You have to kill yourself in game to re access commands, I fixed myself by running up the stairs and jumping down and I died and respawned...
This is some kind of pet without a skin, I believe now it's no longer an issue and we can ban the player if we see them do so, Resolved max :P
what hacks are you accusing him of? the first video he's in safezone doing nothing at all and the second one hasn't been uploaded yet, please clarify.
Well seeing you're perma banned and can't really respond to say if this is resolved or not I'm going to close this as resolved.
Everything will be fine.