I miss seeing you in game. Please pop in from time to time to see me :P
In traits on an application when I always see "fast typer" it always lets me down. When you're moderating in game you don't really need to type...
Welcome back I guess, It's good to have you here.
Yay a new template.
I said above that I didn't want anyone posting this.... I've tagged mods that said they'd help me when I resigned and I'm just waiting for them to...
I'd just like to bring this up on your wall seeing you're online but the official staff list needs to be edited and seeing mods have the perms to...
Ello there although I already have some form of friendship with you guys :P
Thanks although you told me in game a few days beforehand for your service.
Thanks for your service I hope you can move on from here happily knowing you did a good job. If you need anymore support/help in game I'm here...
Welp I guess hello for all those who don't know me.
Well I thought I better finally make a proper introduction after all this time so here it goes; My Name is Ryan although many people refer to me...
@AthleticPsycho , @BlackZone514 The player has another applications and I think wants this closed.
Happy Birthday my friend
Thanks for all the time and effort you've put into moderating, hopefully if you resign you get the send off you deserve as a true legend. Respect...
IGN: NoobCupCake Offenders Ign: NickGamerForce Rule Broken: Adverts Evidence:[ATTACH]
Well I'm going to just list people that have a higher chance than everyone else in my mind; @Mega @ParanormalPizza @Rodeen @KingAlex...
You should get your second application closed if you would like this one to take its place. Good luck.
I feel a little left out for my services although you have thanked me in game and on my wall.
That one dislike really must be annoying.