Vampiric_Hunter DrBaconBurger Hacks [media] (Sorry for the bad video quality.)
Getting WKM on the forums.
Ah, then yea.. that's necro. xD
They probably won't be removed, as the 4 negatives you have are "dumb" ratings which no longer exist, but you still have that rating.
I made a thread like this, don't think it's a gravedig, I'll check. <---- Nov. 21st
%50 support, you're very immature and I don't know about other gamemodes, but for Prison I don't see you being a Guard, sorry. - Immature - Afk a...
It's most likely part of a spam filter.
Ty, but I think @rachetclanks will agree, you're amazing. c:
So I suppose I could make a thread farming likes and state it was "A thread to post likes and rate likes"? :p
Isn't this just rate farming? Thought threads like this weren't allowed.
Bump/Re-Support, good luck Hayden
In my mind, being a "nice" person means that you're respectful and kind to people that are the same to you, obviously if somebody gives you a...
Nice inspect element, he has 48 trophy points, not 8.
No? It's false information to say you haven't been banned validly when you have, I don't need to be an "angry child" to point that out.
Oh really? Here I said "lying on your app will not help you", indicating I meant your application, not your ban appeal.
You said on your application you have no bans except ones that weren't correct. "please think before you talk next time."
He's not complaining about my activity, he's saying he doesn't support because I'm not a nice person in his eyes.
Removed.- Lock Thread.