Save your txt packs/mods/temporary files to your desktop, re-download mc and go on 1.7, then vote the next time you can.
If you were in Infection you have to be in the lobby to vote or else you won't get the rewards, it's a weird glitch but it affects voting for a...
He's born in 1985 and he'd be 20 if he was born 5 years earlier.
Alright. I'll be changing my former %50 to a full support, I won't be able monitor your change as I've quit, but I trust my support is well-placed.
Requesting a lock/archive. @tin15cro
He's rate abused 2+ times now, I don't think saying you're not going to do it next time will help. Say a terrorist bombs a plaza, then says...
On a microwave.
Being on the forums since July I thought you would've known there's a "Report A Player" section.
"Happy Thanksgiving" (Is nearly Christmas :p)
1337 5p3ak 0f th3 d3v1l
Most of those are from @IN1NJAI... wait no... those are intro posts.. :t:
Could you add detail and put the font size to 3-4?
Have a few problems with this app: - Replace the "u"'s with "you". - Add more detail. - Mineverse hasn't been up for 2 1/2 years... - Fix the...
Where's the dumb rating when I need it most?
I'll post a few I know DaddyHF=MommyHF Rachet=Kitkat Cyp=Terrick Noob=Crew ScoFu= ?
If flame wars continue to happen the application gets locked, which is unfair to the applicant once again.
They clearly don't, which is why I'm suggesting this.
Considering I'm leaving the server today I don't really care what happens, just decided to suggest this because I see it quite a lot and get sick...
Ninja, so far he's promoted a person who was supposed to be banned, somebody who has abused 4-5 times in under a week. I don't exactly think these...