Not according to "Old Mineverse". Lmao.
I'll give you blood? Take the deal or I'll offer your's to somebody else.
You say you're "honest" about your flaws but don't attempt to point out any that might make it tough for you? I'll think about my support after...
While I usually don't care who gets promoted, I do in this case: Even though we've had our differences in the past I feel like I already have...
Your grammar is appalling.
Rachet, welcome to the team :)
This is rate abusing, you're clearly trying to get Active Member from your post earlier. I'd knock it off before you get a forum ban.
Active Member: 28 Well-Known Member: 180 Experienced Member: 220(?)
I suggest downloading either LightShot or Gyazo, I recommend Gyazo as it has a history setting of all the screenshots you take, gives you links to...
Ducky and Alix, it's clear what that profile picture is. I found that subliminal messaging easier than in a Disney film.
You're about as dishonest as whatever you do in incognito mode. The context in which you said it was extremely disrespectful from my point of...
Correct, the OP-PvP map is an sg map that had the cornucopia taken out.
Here are some reasons: - You can't play a server that's offline - There's bots/alts that go on their to fill up space - The server is extremely...
Let's clear some things up: - You have 4 negative ratings - 3/4 of those are "Dumb" ratings - The dumb rating was removed - The negative ratings...
You have 3 dumb ratings, the ratings still exist, the rating doesn't.
There's no glitch. - "Dumb" got removed(Like on the SB forums) - Disagree is neutral as it isn't really something negative - Dislike remains...
His idea of "old" was about 2 months.
Probably already did one of these, but: @PopIs_MyLife @IHaveSwagForLife People I can trust with anything.
No support. - Would make Titan useless, as Titan only barely has any more perms than God - Would require Cyp taking more time than he has to make...
No matter how inactive he gets he'll still be doing more than you ever did for the server, so how about you stop making jokes and actually show...