The amount of immaturity...
No support. Immature Rude Ignorant Arrogant You can't take responsibility for your own actions You can't take an opinion without putting emotion...
Both of you need to grow up, one is spamming "No support" on applications and the other is arguing with a kid over a picture, this is sad....
No support. Bad Mods know how to write good applications, never seen you before in my life and you joined today, you seem to be immature just...
A cookie and Guard?
It seems the best he's acquired is iron(Which comes with pretty much every donor kit, daily), only have to play a month or so to get what he has.
Anybody can make chests and signs...
He'll make a salamander pokemon profile picture just for you :p.
Apply for OP-Prison
Daddy isn't really "scary" if you don't piss him off, but the thing is he never gets mad, he enjoys what he does, so obviously if you're a target...
If you've seen the riddle before it somewhat counts as cheating :p
I didn't ask for an explanation of it, I was saying you googled it, it doesn't take much to figure out a riddle once you know the answer.
Clearly googled.
1st screen: time out error, common, it's when you have connectivity issues with the server and can't connect. 2nd screen:
Stalking my profile I see c:
Gwism's life story revealed.
Keep being amazing? Also your avatar reminds me of a person on a show ;-;