Yes. Are you happy that american horror story season 5 is out?
Happy birthday. <33
Happy birthday.~
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Hello Mcquade54, to get your rank back you need to first show us evidence from another gamemode that you're Elite. After that try email:...
Hello I've had the same problem too. To fix this I often quit minecraft then re-join and see if it works. Tell me if this works so I know if this...
Also please tell me if it works, so I know if this is resolved or not, Thank you.
Hello Noob45, I recommend you to follow these steps: 1. Go to mineverse shop, link here ----> 2. Go to "Mineverse...
Oh my god, I litterly screamed when I saw your profile picture. Akatsuki no yona, I'm crying, its so good.
Thread Locked on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind...
I'm sorry but I have to deny this report. The reason is: Just because someone says they hack doesn't mean they do. If you get a video of them it...
Could you please give us a full screenshot, otherwise I have to deny this report.
whats ceiko?
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.
Welcome. I hope you have fun and enjoy our forum. :)
Good luck.
Hello, it's nice to see that you've made a froum account. I hope you enjoy our forum. :)
I was there and helped Pina get the dragon egg, I know I have some screenshots somewhere and I know there was a thread about it for some months...
Hello we're already well known about this glitch, and I think sadly enough this glitch cannot get fixed at the moment because of other plugins,...
Well only the owners and Head-Guard can remove claims and factions, so I guess I'll tag @tin15cro and lets hope that he remove the claim if this...