Grammar Much?
Support. Should definitely be added. Nothing worse than people holding grudges against you until you are unbanned, then banning you with the same...
X-Posed = X-Files [MEDIA]
Support! You are nice in game and you are rather helpful. Hope you get mod!
Cri Evry Tim. :( We will miss you! ;-;
Wasn't much of a 2v1.
Oh, that was just me roasting the school food. Don't mind me.
Flavor Removed? Michelle Approved!
Pelvic Thrusting
Bye! :( cri evry tim
I'm a Feminist Robotic Vegan Nazi that is a part of Isis that also enjoys ripping fingernails off of children and eating their souls.
RIP MV! We are all going to die!!! Narrator: What will happen to Mineverse? Found out next time on Dragon Ba- *cuts out*
@StrKillr is
Thx bro <3
I've been having issues logging into my Minecraft account! :( Won't be able to play until I get it fixed somehow. Cri Evry Tim. Wish meh lu(k ;-;