Wow, didn't think you would try for mod again. Well, congrats. - iCombozx
That guy who shot Harambe is gonna regret that. He's about to get RKO'd.
Erm, what is Ghost Killing?
Lol, only if Cyp would get back and give us our ranks...
Probably because I was hacking? Just a guess though. xD
Lets all take a moment to admire Cyp and his savage acts. He shall be remembered. [IMG]
Oh, are you back from Vacation?
Mods, close this thread. I'm blind and didn't see the note at the bottom on the Top Voters post lol.
Title says it all. Won top voter and rank hasn't came in? (IGN: OneEyedKinq)
xD I won. Im OneEyedKinq. 4th btw. How long does it take for a rank to update?
Lol I was the one who reported you on OP PvP for using it. lol
Ok thx <3
So tomorrow is the last day that players that are running for this month need to vote?
Scrumpity Bumpity :pomp:
Does the Vote end Tomorrow or Today? A bit confused. Thanks!