This man was known as Nanurz. (lol sorry)
kinky kids wanting to bite it.
Michelle Obama decided to take away all of the flavor away from...
This server was not your average server, it was home to salty kids and meme lords.
This is a Game. Someone says a few words to start the story, and you reply with the next part of the story. Sounds Like Fun? No? Oh well, your...
Griff + Cyp = Gryp
Then we deforestation would be intense. I would pull out a chainsaw and wood chips would be flying.
Just got to Mars by doggy paddling. I was right! ;}
What if we can breath in outer space and the government just doesn't want us to escape? XD
Sounds like fun. You really don't get that Christmas feel in outer space.
Are you back? If so, could you update the ranks for top voter?
No support. You didn't add any invisible messages. Why are You Reading This?
Banned for making a creative reason for banning me.
Banned for not predicting my arrival.
No support. You didn't add any invisible messages. jk, Support.
Banned for banning someone who banned someone that quotes.
Banned for quoting a someone who quotes that was banned for quoting.
One Egal has been near our location! Marking the coordinates now! 40.7624° N, 73.9738° W 47 Scout units are moving out now! We will capture it...
Banned for banning someone.