I can speak fluent French :P
Iron man. He is tony stark so I would be rich so I would transfer all the money into a bank account so I can use it for the rest of my life.
Mod Bacon or burger
Yes is this fun? :3
Ign: _TemptingPvP_ Reason: I'm a tempting person who likes to PVP :3 I've been playing MV for a few months. Fav server: none. Best friend on MV:...
Watch you nae nae (whatever that means???) Would you rather: annoy Cypriotmerkz or annoy noobcrew
Yes Do you think I should be banned by Lego and minecraft for being too "blocky"
Licking a frozen pole and getting eaten by a polar bear.
Psh noobs aren't allowed to be owners. Psshhhh
Start a convo with me so I can know more :3
Cause she using windows 7
Hello :)
Blub senpai
Dude you look like Harry potter :> when you grow old ek ugh get the Lightning scar tattoo, a broomstick, a wand and memorize some spells >:3
Xx_underscore_xX No need to thank me.
Tbh at first I hated you for some reason but when we started talking and teaming up on infection I saw that you were a really nice guy. My god...
Choose a number Choose a number
Yea u do ;-; we talked on Kik. You threatened to dox me if I addrd you back to the chat :P