Hi there. Amost my B-day :)
Hey Lee :D
Thanks for your follow too :p
Oh ok lol but for, which age group?
Does anyone play trove?
Sooplee do you play basketball? If you do, which position do you play??
I play as point guard but I also go in as shooting guard if I need to switch instead.
Muted isn't as bad as being banned but if people don't know you're muted then they might think you're ignoring them if you don't have any other...
I just finished two basketball tournaments for two different teams! Undefeated season! Pretty good season if I do say so myself :)
OK bye :)
Can I have the ability to give ratings back please?...
50 we win
Follow for a follow?? c:
Support c: You're always helpful and nice. I've never seen you lose your temper or insult someone and I personally think you would be a great mod c:
Ok bye now for another couple months c:
Oh yay congrats on mod :3
I finished Naruto. It was amazing! :)