No support. You seem qualified, but don't do the things that demonstrate your commitment or dedication.
If you bring back Skygrid, please bring back Hellblock. Honestly, one of the reasons I loved Mineverse so much is that it had a unique gameplay...
Thank you for the contribution.
Ruminisque My full name is five words long. Also, I had a baby turtle called Turt Reynolds.
It seems odd for the server dynamic to be that you will be banned, even if it was a false ban, if you weren't recording.
If we do this, a question arrives. Do we ban many more hackers, but at the same raise the chance of being unfairly banned?
What are you contributing here? If you merely want to show the side you pick, choose a rating for the suggestion...
Both your behavior is rather odd. You're not giving the reasons you disagree with the suggestion ... why exactly? Because people might get an idea...
Yeah, it's definitely odd to suddenly come back to Mineverse. I've been a member from the start of middle school, throughout high school, and now...
Jack, I understand where you're coming from, but we need to move on. The apocalypse arrived, and we can't just continue our lives as before....
Why would anyone even accept/decline this person's apology? It's obvious they're doing this for attention and thus when you respond with anecdotes...
You're still making cringey posts.
This is so edgy and cringe oml
When I got perm-banned, I just made a new identity/account and kept on playing. When they caught me, I was allowed to stay because of the clear...
Why would you waste your time reading and commenting on something you know is stupid then? Maybe you should evaluate what you're spending your...
what you literally said "I am the best."
We don't need to. Most of just appreciate the fact that the owner is transparent about his plans and changes.
It's odd how time goes by so fast.