It's all jokes, don't worry, you're doing good
I respect you for doing this, good job. We all know that Sando > Youtuber
Yeah same, got placed in iron and went to gold 2 I believe. The game itself is nice, but as you said, getting ranked with bots is a common thing...
I played for like a week or two and then lowkey quit. What rank did you reach scor?
Don't say u suck at cs
2 Xjdnsjsnns
5 years of being bad at CS
Get demoted pls
How dare you kill GbDuck I was planning a present for you, but now that you killed GbDuck, you're not getting it
Came to visit u babe
Now prison :happy:
Wouldn't be hard to add this. Just copy everything from the YouTuber rank and just give it a different prefix Support
I play parkour, get your facts right!!
Awww maan